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Resist the enemy

The Resistance

In early 1940 the overwhelming consensus in France was that Germany would win the war. Given the apparent inevitability that Hitler was unstoppable, the prevailing political point of view was that resistance was futile. Subsequently, the French signed a treaty with the Nazis.

At first life went on as normal, but over time the Nazis became increasingly draconian in their demands. The French began to gradually lose their freedoms until they had none. The Nazis seized commercial properties for their war efforts, and eventually a Nazi flag even flew over the Eiffel Tower. This occupation was psychologically disorienting and disturbing.

However, it was during this time that a group of courageous writers known as the French Resistance was formed. They fought through underground newspapers. Together, they pooled their resources—typewriters, paper, and printers—and at risk of great peril, they began to publish the truth of what was really going on. Some were caught, publicly punished, and executed. Nonetheless, they pressed on and not only did they provide encouragement and truth at a time when little was to be found, but they ultimately aided the Americans when they arrived on their shores.

Before returning to heaven, Jesus exhorted us to likewise spread the truth (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)—the Good News—to the ends of the earth. While He’s away, our mission is to carry on with His mission. At times it can feel that, like the French, we are in occupied territory…and that is because we are.

Political pundits told us that there would be a huge political wave that would turn things around but it did not really turn out that way, did it? It appears as if our culture has gotten used to drag queen story hours for preschoolers, gender re-assignment surgeries for grade schoolers, less freedoms, looting, murders, and cancel culture for anyone who doesn’t keep the “party line”.

So, what are we to do? Keep voting and keep being salt (i.e., a moral preservative); but remember our hope is in Jesus and that regardless of how intense it will get, our mission is to carry on with the mission of Jesus. Thus, like the French Resistance, we must continue to pool our resources to get The Truth out that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). We must continue to leverage what influence we can knowing with full confidence that a spiritual D-Day is on the calendar.

Until that time…carry on.   

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About the Author

Dr. Bobby Brewer has served on the pastoral staff of several evangelical Bible churches in the Phoenix area and co-hosted a radio talk show for fifteen years. He is the author of a variety of books …

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