Messages | Matthew

The Book of Matthew
A Comprehensive Study
During this 2 1/2 year long in-depth study of Matthew, you will walk where Jesus walked, learn as the disciples learned and discover what it means to live out the teachings of Jesus. The Book of Matthew teaching is comprised of 8 separate sections.
Choose the series you would like to watch below…

The Gospel of the Kingdom (Series 1)
Jan 8, 2017 – Nov 25, 2018 | Ushering in a new era, the earthly ministry of Jesus changed everything. Jesus made it crystal clear that God is on our side, doing everything possible to save us. Somewhat surprisingly, Jesus selected 12 apprentices, aka disciples, with the ultimate purpose of carrying on His mission following His departure. This meant that everything, (really, everything) had to be re-centered and reset. One of the twelve chosen to record and implement this “reset” was a former tax collector-Matthew.
Watch Series | Parts 1 – 31

Matthew: The Parables
Apr 14 – May 6, 2018 | The Parables of Jesus are seemingly simple and memorable stories that convey deep insights that are central to truly understanding the teachings of Jesus. Many Bible commentators and scholars describe their understanding as essential for being a genuine disciple. This teaching series by Dr. Bobby Brewer will unpack the ones covered in Matthew’s gospel and enrich your life not only in the here and now but in the age to come.

The Gospel of the Kingdom (Series 2)
May 20, 2018 – Aug 5, 2018 | Ushering in a new era, the earthly ministry of Jesus changed everything. Jesus made it crystal clear that God is on our side, doing everything possible to save us. Somewhat surprisingly, Jesus selected 12 apprentices, aka disciples, with the ultimate purpose of carrying on His mission following His departure. This meant that everything, (really, everything) had to be re-centered and reset. One of the twelve chosen to record and implement this “reset” was a former tax collector-Matthew.
Watch Series | Parts 32 – 40

Matthew: Mountains & Valleys
Aug 12 – Sept 23, 2018 | The first step was straightforward, believing in Jesus for my salvation. The second step is more challenging-following Him the way the first disciples did. We can continue with business as usual and live by the same standards as the culture around us, but what if we really followed Him? What would the consequences be if you followed Him the way He’s always you to? What will the rewards be? Now that it was clear that …

The Gospel of the Kingdom (Series 3)
Sept 30, 2018 – Nov 25, 2018 | Ushering in a new era, the earthly ministry of Jesus changed everything. Jesus made it crystal clear that God is on our side, doing everything possible to save us. Somewhat surprisingly, Jesus selected 12 apprentices, aka disciples, with the ultimate purpose of carrying on His mission following His departure. This meant that everything, (really, everything) had to be re-centered and reset. One of the twelve chosen to record and implement this “reset” was a former tax collector-Matthew.
Watch Series | Parts 41 – 46

Jesus in Jerusalem: The Last Days & Final Teachings
Jan 6, 2019 – March 3, 2019 | Most of His ministry has been in the backwoods of Galilee, but now Jesus moves His ministry into Jerusalem acting as if He owns the place…He does! Join Dr. Bobby Brewer as he teaches more from the Book of Matthew in this new series titled: “Jesus in Jerusalem: The Last Days & Final Teachings”.

Jesus & the End Times
March 16, 2019 – April 7, 2019 | Beginning in Matthew 24, Dr. Bobby Brewer teaches about the signs of the End Times in this four part series from the Book of Matthew titled: “Jesus & the End Times”.

Jesus & Rewards
April 28, 2019 – May 5, 2019 | Does how we live and if we serve in this life really have any bearing on what we’ll be doing throughout eternity? Dr. Bobby Brewer (Lead Pastor) goes into depth about the importance of using the gifts that God gave us in the series: “Jesus & Rewards”.