

What happens to pets when they die?

Pets in Heaven

In late August, after 18 years, Kristen and I had to say good-bye to Tigger. It was a day of great sorrow, and yet a great reminder of God’s love.

I wanted some time to pass before I shared, but here’s why I objectively and theologically believe that we’ll be reunited with our pets in heaven. The curse of sin has affected everything, even the animals. The death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus defeated the curse of sin and death for humanity.

However, God is just getting started. At some point His goodness will even reverse the curse upon all of His creation-including the animal kingdom. The day is coming when there will be no more pain and suffering for all of His creation. No more floods, disease, … death. This relief is not only for human beings, but also for the “whole creation” that now groans in suffering, and is awaiting the deliverance that will come sooner than later. I long for that day. Looking into her eyes one last time and watching Tigger pass away in my arms made me long for it even more. However, I’m convinced that I will see the old girl again.

The Bible is focused on the redemption of humanity and doesn’t specifically address this topic and so we’re left with theological conjecture. It’s a biblical “no-brainer” that God’s plans for the millennial kingdom and new earth include the animal kingdom, but here’s why I believe that we’ll be reunited with our pets:

1. God loves us
For starters, I believe our pets will be with us simply because it would be just like God to do so. He delights in us. He goes above and beyond our expectations (Eph. 3:20). After telling the disciples “do not let your hearts be troubled”, Jesus goes on to say that He’s preparing a place for us (Jn. 14:2). It would be just like our Lord to prepare a place for us that includes the pets we loved.

2. God loves the animal Kingdom.
Sadly the attitude of many people, Christians even, is one of apathy, coldness even, towards the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom, however, is included in God’s reference to His creation being “good” (Gen. 1:31) and He entrusts their care to humanity through Adam & Eve.

  • He preserves representatives of the Animal Kingdom on the ark. They are even included in the Noahic covenant (Gen. 9:10).
  • After 33 chapters of Job’s friends philosophizing about why bad things happen, God speaks. In addition to asking Job such famous questions as “where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?”, God references His care and oversight of the animal kingdom:
    • “Do you know when the mountain goats give birth?
      “Do you observe the calving of the does?” Job 39:2
    • “Do you give the horse his might?
      “Do you clothe his neck with a mane?” Job 39:19
  • He approves of us loving them. In Proverbs 12:10, God encourages us to be good stewards of the animal kingdom when He says, “The righteous care for the needs of their animals”.
  • He’s aware of them and their needs. Jesus says,
    • “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them” Mt. 6:26.
    • “I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.” Psalm 50:11

3. Animals are seen in the Future.
Animals were in the Garden of Eden and the new earth will be a redeemed version of the Garden of Eden. Animals were present at the birth of Christ. Whether it’s literal, metaphorical, or a hybrid of both, Jesus is seen as returning on a white horse (Rev. 19:11). Regardless, based upon Isaiah 11: 6-8, we know that animals will be on the earth during the Millennial Reign of Christ, which is a redeemed version of the current earth. Romans 8:21-23 teaches that Creation yearns for the day when God will restore earth to a redeemed state, meaning an earth that will no longer be affected by the curse of the Fall. I wouldn’t be surprised if God uses animals that were abused or even our own pets to repopulate the New Earth.

4. Martin Luther, John Wesley, C.S. Lewis, Billy Graham, John Piper, Randy Alcorn and many others believe that we’ll be reunited with our pets.

  • Martin Luther: When asked if he believed dogs, in particular his dog Tólpel, would be in Heaven, Martin Luther said, “Certainly, for there the earth will not be without form and void. Peter said that the last day would be the restitution of all things. God will create a new heaven and a new earth with Tolpel in it.” Elsewhere, commenting on Psalm 36:6 (“O Lord, you preserve both man and beast.”), Luther remarked that since animals were innocent victims of humanity’s Fall in Gen. 3 they would be included in the making of all things new.
  • Billy Graham: “God will have prepared everything for our perfect happiness. If it takes my dog being there (in Heaven), he’ll be there.”
  • John Piper: In a poem, he said:“And as I knelt beside the brook
    To drink eternal life, I took
    A glance across the golden grass,
    And saw my dog, old Blackie, fast
    As she could come. She leaped the stream—
    Almost—and what a happy gleam
    Was in her eye. I knelt to drink
    And knew that I was on the brink
    Of endless joy. And everywhere
    I turned I saw a wonder there.”

5. Sacred Circumstances and Spiritual intuition.
Some people would use the word “coincidence”, but I prefer Oswald Chamber’s phrase “sacred circumstance”. About a month before Tigger’s health began to deteriorate, I had a vivid dream of her in heaven but with a body that was like a bobcat. She still had the same colors and loving eyes.

Two days after Tigger’s passing, Kristen and I saw a double rainbow on a day it didn’t rain. Kristen said, “Look! In the same way God also preserved the animals on the Ark, He’s given us a double affirmation.” I know it may sound like I’m spiritualizing this point, but there’s more that I can share with you in person⁠—but this is simply something that I intuitively know and trust about God.

Years ago I heard a true story about “Christian” the Lion (link below – 4 minutes). In 1969, two men purchased a lion cub at Harrod’s department store in London (true story). However, as it began to grow, they realized they were not adequately prepared to feed and care for a growing lion. Arrangements were made to relocate the lion into the wild via a reserve in Kenya. After a year had gone by of not seeing Christian, the original owners sought to re-unite with the lion not knowing what the response would be. Fortunately, this was documented and the film shows the lion cautiously approaching it’s former owners. But then, upon recognizing them, leapt playfully onto the two men, standing on his hind legs and wrapping his front legs around their shoulders, nuzzling their faces. “We called him and he stood up and started to walk towards us very slowly. Then, as if he had become convinced it was us, he ran towards us, threw himself on to us, knocked us over, knocked George over and hugged us, like he used to, with his paws on our shoulders.” (link below)

I imagine that one day I’ll have a similar encounter with Tigger.

“You can look forward to the new heaven and earth that I have promised”
2 Peter 3:13

“Christian” the lion video:

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About the Author

Dr. Bobby Brewer has served on the pastoral staff of several evangelical Bible churches in the Phoenix area and co-hosted a radio talk show for fifteen years. He is the author of a variety of books …

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