We're on a Mission from God
SERIES 2: PARTS 19 - 23
Acts of the Apostles, the fifth book in the New Testament, is somewhat famous for the supernatural, i.e. Pentecost, the miracles, the signs and wonders, angelic appearances, etc. However, and perhaps surprisingly, as amazing as those things are, they are not the central theme of the book. The primary theme is the on-going mission of Jesus (but now through the church, and this includes you). In this series, you’ll learn how to steward and carry on the on-going mission of Jesus to reconcile, reclaim, and redeem the world. It’s now your turn to be a part of God’s great rescue mission. Learn how, and get involved in the mission from God.
Continuing where Series 1 left off, Series 2 dives deeper into the Book of Acts.